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Saturday 12 November 2011

For lack of a better name (is a deadmau5 album).

I haven't written one of these in a bit and I feel no more motivated to write one now than any time in the past week. Sometimes I feel I only write these things to force people to listen to music I like, or at least to feel like I'm forcing people to. Maybe people only come here in search of laughs.
Anyways fuck it, what's been up (man, hows your daughter?). <- (i imagine that was just for fi and paddy, if either still read this thing).

You can stick this on while you read. It's very cool.

So, I was at the poshest birthday party I've ever been to on Friday night last week. It was me old budday Helen's birthday, they had bouncer dudes at the door, women going around filling up drinks (free drinks that is) and some of the most yummy posho foods I've ever had. I felt bad that I hadn't shaved; I have been using the whole movember thing as an excuse not to shave, I like having the facial hair now.
As you come in the door one of those chicks is there offering you glasses of champagne, red or white. So not wanting to look a fool I decided before she opened her mouth I'd say champagne; I was quite in the mood for some champagne, but then, problem. The lady goes, "Would you like some of Le bligabloopagoopadoo, red, or white?". I want champagne but I haven't a friggin' breeze how to pronounce it, and I don't want to look mad uncultured so I saved the day though by doing a quick change of drink and saying White. Man I'd have loved some of Le bligabloop though.
Conclusion on the party: Helen has a lot of hot friends.
The best bit of the party came 2 days later when Helen finally saw my card. I had actually been worried it may have fallen to the bottom of the wine bag and been thrown out. I got a text from her saying "Just saw your card, its great thanks! My mother also read it and thinks you're very sweet and I'm a slut". What a perfect card I appear to have made. I thought it was kinda funny but it outdid my expectations. I couldn't be bothered to go into details about it.

I slept on 2 big cushions on the ground next to Dent Nevs, he was an awful state that night like a good lad.
The next day I had to drive from there to Donegal for Collettes 21st. I was in my suit still and didn't feel like it would be appropriate to change out of my suit trousers on the road outside their house since it was so mad posh there. Instead I changed in town at Merrion Square between 2 cars, it was a good call even if it was far busier. I'm getting side tracked here. Emo, bonesy and jay were there ready to go but fionan, the mess, had drank a lot the night before at helens so he was still asleep when I rang him to ask where he was. To be fair he got into us in no time. The drive up was pretty safe despite a wrong turn or two.
The cabins were class. When we got up Collzer's brothers had beers nice and cold ready for us. Sound.
We went to the pub, usual drunken craic, some very enthusiastic dancing from certain people. We played the "mine" game, hadn't played that in ages. Nailed 3 ppl with it in a 10 minute space or so. Was pretty drunk at this stage actually. Had the song Kings Crossing by Elliott smith
pretty stuck in my head at that stage, fionan and myself made plans to get bikkied and listen to it in the car. Eh, back at the house what happened... Usually crack, ended up out in the car eventually with Finge and Harriet shhhmokin' an aul J or 2 listening to music but not Elliott. Then Harriet's drunk mate came out too.. He said something real funny, what was it. Oh yeah, he asked Fionan "is this Amnesia Haze?", and obviously Fionan didn't know so the guy was like, "Yeahhh I think it is. Man that's goood shit. Yehhh good shit", then the funny bit happened. He started making up lyrics to the song that was playing. He was like "Yeahhh we smokin', yeahh , we smokin' and we high, we smokin' and we high, we smokin' and we fly, yehhh, we smokin'" or some nonsense like that. It was pretty cringe but pretty funny too. He then got a bit insistent that Fionan should roll another one. Fionan didn't mind though so it was all good.
Eventually come half 6 or so I decided I'd go to bed. People were still up playing guitar and singing along but since I had to drive home the next morning and had all that project management bullshit stuff still to do I thought sleep was a sensible option.
I was so fucking wrecked driving back the next day. It's a long old drive to Donegal, I had the window cracked most of the way since I was so drowsy. Was sipping my energy drink too. If I was alone in the car I might have crashed, just the thought of killing a car full of my mates was enough to keep me awake. I noticed a funny relationship, the faster you drive the more awake you become. So if you're really tired and you start driving too fast you get a little adrenaline rush which wakes you up. So maybe speeding sometimes IS the safer option? I got us home alive in the end anyway and got my management thing submitted on time.
I felt awful for the next 2 days though after how exhausting that weekend was.

I'm learning these 2 on piano at the moment, only while I'm taking breaks from trying to (so far failing miserably) do my college work.
This one's real easy, although I should make it clear I can't sing along to anything.
Actually I amn't learning miss misery yet but I'm going to print it out and learn it.

This one's harder, still very doable.

I'm going out tonight I do believe. It's my friend Oluchi's birthday, the lads are going out too. I haven't heard back from the suas people if they're heading to Oluchi's or not. I'm not gonna head on my tod like. I'll head into town with the buahchailli and play it by ear I think..

I was reading some blogs actually while procrastinating. I made a facebook comment that my mate bones looked like a junky in a picture so I googled heroin junkies to compare but came across a heroin addicts blog. It was really interesting. This one in particular was good. http://blacktable.com/lang041104.htm. This one was aiit too  . http://memoiresofaheroinhead.blogspot.com/2009/04/heroin-addicts-vs-junkies-request.html
My friend Christine, who also keeps a blog (http://themisadventuresofchristine.blogspot.com/), a very good one at that, linked me to some girl from Cork's blog, she doesn't know her. The girl is like anorexic/bulemic but it's interesting/a bit shocking reading her blog and the way her life revolves around body image and what other people think of her makes such a huge impact on her. I feel kinda sorry for her, she seems sweet. Her blog is here: thefighttobethin.blogspot.com 

My laptops about to run out of battery and I better go do a tiny bit of work (yeah right) before I head into town to meet the lads for drinks. Probably should shower or something too...

Drew this the other night to go with a label from my last post.

Nothing else matters

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