Or if I have something I really want to get out making up a song.
Sooo lately I've been playing plenty of squash, guitar, seeing family, and not nearly as much playing video games as I expected single life to involve.
I've recently re-watched basically all of Always Sunny in Philadelphia and caught up to speed with the latest Irish season. Read a book about longitude and how important the "chronometer" or The Watch was to solving it, it was actually really interesting and easy to read. Now dad has given me a book called Gallileo's Daughter which according to him is not as good, so my hopes are low....
I'm hoping to go on a sail for a weekend with dad soon if he's ever free, he's such a busy man.
I'm not sure how much I'm going to delve into my private life at the moment here... Lucy told me she's not going to read the blog as she finds it sad to hear my ramblings, so I think that means I'm free to talk about dates I go on, but at the same time I don't want to hurt her feelings if she does happen to read it...
If you're reading this Lucy, Hey! haha.
But anyway, I'll just say I've been on a few dates since Lucy and I broke up.
They were all nice enough girls, the first 3 dates were certainly way too soon after the breakup to actually feel comfortable, and not like I shouldn't be out with a girl..
I think I'm getting more comfortable now, and more hopeful as I seem to have matched with a few beautiful fembots who actually reply lately.
Anyway I haven't any juicy stories to report yet, and hopefully I won't because juicy stories basically means embarassing stories...
But if I do get any, I'll be sure to roast myself here for your enjoying.
If anybody reading this has any nice guitar tabs they'd like to send my way I'm trying to spend at least 10 minutes of my daily 40-80 mins of guitar actually devoted to improving rather than just singing the easy stuff.
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